High quality hostel software

High quality hostel software
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The offer of Hostel System company was created especially for hostels and other companies specialized in providing accommodation for its guests. This offer includes only the best quality computer applications that help in booking and other processes. The hostel software can also help with preparing advanced price strategies and important analysis associated with the activity of a hostel. The application called Hostel System is able to work offline on multiple computers and the Frontdesk Manager can work online on many different devices. This kind of online hostel software is able to be integrated with social media and what is more it can help to manage companies that own many hostels and other properties. Thanks to these solutions, the owners and workers of hostels will save their valuable time and improve their work, so their services will be much better. It is important to remember that the offer includes also free set-up and training.

Nazwa: HostelSystem sp. z o.o.

Adres: Dolnej Wsi 5 44-100 Gliwice

Adres www: www.error.net.pl

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